How to Prevent Obesity

Overweight and obesity are prevalent conditions in the United States. According to studies from the CDC, approximately 93.3 million adults (39.8 percent) and 13.7 million teens and children (18.5 percent) in the U.S are obese. Overweight and obesity are caused by an increase in the size of the fat cells in the body. Carrying too much weight can have various health outcomes, such as increasing the risk for diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, high blood cholesterol, atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, and cancers. 

Many Americans struggle with obesity, but there are many ways to treat and prevent obesity. Treatment for obesity and overweight depends on the cause and severity of the condition and whether there are complications (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 2019). These include eating less sugary and processed foods. Eating more vegetables, fruits, and plenty of fiber. Leading an active lifestyle. Involving family or friends to go on a walk with you or to be involved in your exercise journey helps to promote more exercise. Include a weight-training group. Learn to meal preop healthy foods. Some medicines have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for weight-loss. Surgery may also be a treatment option for some people. Overall preventing obesity consists of eating healthy foods and remaining active (Lockett, 2018). 

Children around the world often suffer from obesity. There are also ways to prevent obesity in children. Breastfeeding infants decrease the risk of children later on being obese. Feeding children the right portion size of foods and beverages. Getting your child used to eating more healthy foods and eat healthy as a family encourages a child to eat healthier. Try not to have too many unhealthy foods lying around your household as children may see it and want to consume it (Biggers, 2018). Always do fun physical activities like going to the park or riding bikes around the area. Decreasing a child screen time on their tablet, phone, computer, or TV encourages them not to be lazy and stuck on their devices all day long. 

Overall, obesity is a serious condition that can result in many health problems. To fight it, we have to watch what we eat and remain physically active.

By Nattlya A.


Lockett, E. (2018). How to Prevent Obesity in Kids and Adults. Healthline. Retrieved from:

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. (2019). Overweight and Obesity. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Retrieved from:


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